
A groundling in the TV business I was

happy to sit on top of a

swaying ladder ready to drop

dead leaves on an actress

bereaved in wartime but looked up to meet the

eyes of the naked woman in her window

casually brushing her long brown hair, her

breasts swaying gently with each

languorous sweep, her gaze so

commanding that the squawk of

“Action, Action” from my

walkie-talkie went west as I gawped, a

groundling in her more

urgent play.

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  • 1emeraldcity  On July 1, 2012 at 3:47 pm

    I had to google groundling, Steve. Why the hell do you make it so difficult for Americans? huh? Well, as a penny-stinker, at least you didn’t throw rotten fuit or nuts at her. This one is a little over my Yankee head. :))

  • fridayam  On December 16, 2020 at 11:50 pm

    Reblogged this on Fridayam's Blog.

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